Fungicide HERIMAN-C $1.00 Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP An effective Fungicide for control of parasitic fungi Add to cart
Fungicide HERI-TPM $1.00 Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP An effective Fungicide for control of parasitic fungi Add to cart
Insecticide HERI BUPROACE $1.00 Buprofenzin 15%+ Acephate 32% WP An effective insecticide from control of sucking pests Add to cart
Fungicide HERI-COC $1.00 Copper Oxychloride 50% WP An effective Fungicide for control of parasitic fungi Add to cart
Fungicide HERI-45 $1.00 Mancozeb 75% WP An effective Fungicide for control of parasitic fungi Add to cart
Fungicide HERI METMAN $0.00 Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP An effective Fungicide for control of parasitic fungi Add to cart
Herbicide HERI MET – 20 $0.00 Metsulfuron methyl 20% WP An effective Herbicide for control of weeds Add to cart
Fungicide HERI CAPTAN $0.00 captan 70% + hexaconazole 5% WP An effective Fungicide for control of parasitic fungi Add to cart