Heri-20 is an Organophosphorous Broad Spectrum Non Systemic
insecticide with contact, stomach and vapour action.
Crop : Paddy, Gram, Cotton, Sugarcane, Ground Nut, Apple, Citrus
Applied on : Leaf roller, Aphid, Termites, Hairy Caterpillar, Stem borer,
BPH, White Fly, etc
Dosage Per Ha*: 500 – 1000 Ml per HA in 500 – 700 litre water
Packing : 5 Ltr, 1 Ltr, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml.
*These Doses are only Indicative. Exact Dose may vary according to Crop
Stage and Intensity of Pest infestation.
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